Contact _Us
Please only pay with £ Sterling if you have a Sterling card - scroll down. Please send us an email to enquire... [email protected], or use the form above. If a retreat is not marked as being fully booked you're welcome to send deposit, but you'll need to wait for us to reply and confirm.
Please only pay with £ Sterling if you have a Sterling card - scroll down. Please send us an email to enquire... [email protected], or use the form above. If a retreat is not marked as being fully booked you're welcome to send deposit, but you'll need to wait for us to reply and confirm.
££ GBP below.
Deposit: €150 EURO or £125 GBP per person.
Payment assumes agreeing to: Cancellation Policy.
There is no need to open a Paypal account.
Click on "Debit or Credit card"
Deposit: €150 EURO or £125 GBP per person.
Payment assumes agreeing to: Cancellation Policy.
There is no need to open a Paypal account.
Click on "Debit or Credit card"
Contact Info
To enquire, use Contact Us link above, or please send an email to:
[email protected]
Alternatively, you may also send a message to us here:
[email protected]
To enquire, use Contact Us link above, or please send an email to:
[email protected]
Alternatively, you may also send a message to us here:
[email protected]
Info about travelling to us here: Directions
42 Geaglum Road, Derrylin,
County Fermanagh BT92 9GN, Northern Ireland